Customer review
Amar Ghose
This is live! Check out your new Service Ratings feature in ZenMaid!
Jessica Kerski
I solved this nicely with zapier. Once the job is marked complete the client gets a ln automated text message thanking them, it gives them a link should they like to leave a tip (link generated via square) and also gives them a link to our review options. When they click on this they get two options via link tree…. Leave a positive public review via google. Or give us constructive criticism. One is public on google and the other is a google form to give us feedback that is emailed directly to me.
Works like a charm
Mae Stewart
Jessica Kerski: what app did you use? I’m going to be using square.
Amar Ghose
Mae Stewart: Says in her comment she used Square too! :-)
Jean Small
Yes!! really loving this one as well, hope to see it soon
Caselie Obsaint
Yes do this
Amar Ghose
Merged in a post:
Automatic Text to Ask Customers (after service) For A Review
Ramona Seitzinger
After the cleaners clock out using ZenMaid, we would like the customer to receive an automatic text message that says:
"Satisfied with the service? Take 20 seconds to give us a review: [Link to website]
If you believe we could've done better, let us know!"
Amar Ghose
Merged in a post:
Satisfaction Survey
JoAnne Doran
Can you set the surveys up to be sent out the same day? I give a 24 hour satisfaction guarantee and it's not working out went sent a day later. I'd like them to be sent out within 2 hours ideally. Thanks!
Erin Parks
I agree too!
Michele De Garo
Agreed, Good Idea!
Vistas Cleaning
good idea
Emily Pearce
QDS looks great! But it would be really nice to be able to do this in ZenMaid itself without needing to use another platform.
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