"How Did You Hear About Us?" as a Booking Form Element.
Jeremiah Street
It would be great if there was a Booking Form Element that was titled How Did You Hear About Us? and had a list of multiple choice options including all the major social media/search platforms like Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc. It would also work well with another option for other and then a small text box to go along with it in explanation of the source like a referral, direct mail, another search engine etc. I would like to make this element a required field to be filled out as this will help me to pinpoint the source of the booking lead and adjust my advertising accordingly. I think this will be a tremendous benefit not only for my business, but for all other business that would choose to use this useful element on their booking form.
Amar Ghose
Alina Terzi
This would be so good to have on the Booking Form. Also, referral if there is any. Thank you :)
Amanda Thompson
Would love to see this as well!
Ivelina Minkova
That it is really important element , like it
Amar Ghose
Merged in a post:
Booking form - where did you hear about us
Lew Jurina
I would like to add to the booking form drop down field with options where did you here about us. As google, yelp etc. to help me better monitor where the lead is coming from.